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  • skuzfoz 04:26 on June 17, 2010 Permalink | Reply  

    A Reply. 

    So, I got this comment moments ago, and I found it worthy of making a blog post about.

    Here it is, followed by my reply:



    how about the statistic that the game went from 50 servers to 4. Yea, 8% of your original servers 2 years later is awesomely successful.

    Or how about the patch once every two months, that breaks more(by a large margin) than it fixes.

    How about losing your ceo, and your entire team no longer even attempts to connect to the community out of embarrassment. (anyone heard from hickman or paul lately?)

    How about going from 1 million(and more, but that was the reported number back in the day) box copies sold, to 4 servers, that aren’t even max capacity.

    Yea, this game is wildly successful, oh wait…no it’s not. If you think this is successful, DAoC, UO, EQ, EQ2 are all gods compared to this game. At least none of them are the laughing stock of an entire online community.



    And here’s my reply.


    As I said in the post that you obviously skimmed through, yeah we’ve lost a lot of players. Most of them were not valuable. Most of them left the game spewing false information and skewed statistics, much like yourself.

    There is no statistic on how many bugs are generated with each patch as compared to how many bug fixes go in. As I said, the game is amazingly well polished these days. All patches in every single large MMORPG ever created cause bugs. All of them.

    We did not LOSE our CEO. Mark Jacobs left on his own account due to decisions made by Electronic Arts. Community coordination from Mythic is at an all time high right now. They talk to us in IRC, they play the game alongside us, they hold live Ventrilo Q&A conversations with us, and discuss planned future changes with us on the forums. Your MMO of choice is NOT better than this in terms of developer-player communication. Hickman and Barnett are not and were not ever designated community coordinators.

    At no point in my original post did I call the game "wildly successful". At this point, it’s living up to its original promises of great RvR, while bringing regular improvements and updates, and still profiting.



    • Gett 02:32 on June 18, 2010 Permalink | Reply

      Amen. Its funny how even the trolls research so much that they even visit blog posts to spew their negativity. If I don’t like something I don’t play it. I may watch and see updates.

      To go around and follow every post just to criticize, I just don’t get it?

    • Boruks 16:51 on June 29, 2010 Permalink | Reply

      I don’t understand most of the people that feel the need to bash a game they no longer play. Maybe its because it failed the hype they made of the game in how they wanted to be something it really wasn’t suppose to be?

      BTW, I recently came back to the game after stopping after launch. I am like you in that I actually regret ever leaving the game. It really is fun and a lot better than it was at launch and I find myself glued to the PC fighting when I should be in bed sleeping, which makes the next work day all the more worst for being so tired.

      While I am currently still subbed to both this and to WoW (don’t hate), WAR is tipping the scale more and more it’s way with the pure fun I get from ever changing fights.

  • skuzfoz 17:39 on June 10, 2010 Permalink | Reply  

    A Welcome Post 

    Dear Iron Rockians,


    We have a player joining us by the name of Kerbear, you may have had your post locked by her on the forums.

    Don’t hesitate to send gifts of gold, talismans and well wishes her way!


    Kerbear is a unique character. She has an extra finger, that means her healing is astounding. 11 fingers on her group heal button means serious group healing. She also has a serious disability, due to an unfortunate mining accident in Belize in 1829. She asked that the disability be kept a secret.

    The Gobbo Council of Girlfings has decided overnight that she should be given squig milk and pink dye as welcoming gifts, along with the fastest mount in the game, the Red Ridin’ Wulf.


    Welcome to Iron Rock, Kerbear!

  • skuzfoz 02:08 on June 10, 2010 Permalink | Reply  

    WAR: Successful. 


    It’s been a while since I posted last, because I decided that my blog would not be yet another news blog, where I write a bit about every single thing that happens, ever.

    This is a spot for me to say what I want, and if you have my blog bookmarked, a place for you to read it.


    If you like.


    As of June 2010, I declare Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning a successful MMORPG.


    Let me make it clear what I just said. I did not declare it a successful PvP MMORPG. It is the single best PvP MMORPG to come out since DAOC, that’s my opinion, but it’s just too much game to lump it all into one  I’m also not saying that it’s a successful PvE MMORPG, because if you only PvE, I can’t imagine it’s very good.

    I believe WAR is successful because it isn’t the best total game on the market for your general MMORPG player. Mythic wanted WAR to be a little less niche than DAOC ended up being, and let’s face it, they failed at that goal. That’s the only goal at which they really failed. Before anyone cites “and I heal, and I heal”, you have the potential to do serious damage at any given time. Your argument is not valid. My argument is not invalid, yours is. No you. Paul Barnett will fight you.

    WAR has hundreds and hundreds of hours worth of content. Is most of it kinda grindy? Yeah, why not? You seem to have no problem remembering older games and talking about how big the grind was BUT it was a great game… well, stop your whining. 40 ranks are content. 80 renown ranks are content. Scenario weapons are content. Wards are content. Content does not mean little places you go into with your warband and spend 3 hours in a night killing heavily scripted bosses after reading about exactly how to complete it. RvR doesn’t work that way.

    RvR is player driven. You. Are. Content.

    Running into an RvR lake and taking the BOs and Keeps and waiting for the flips is the skeleton of the ORvR experience. It’s not THE ORvR experience. There are other players out there. You don’t know exactly what they’re going to do next, you don’t know exactly how many there are. What you do know is that it’s your job to make sure that they don’t ruin your day. If you’re complaining about the time you spend banging on a Keep door, you quite obviously just don’t understand this.


    When WAR launched in later 2008, it was clearly overhyped. That didn’t mean that over a million people needed to buy the game and be disappointed, largely because they aren’t even real fans of RvR. Most of those million players aren’t playing the game today. Over 90% of them never should have tried the game in the first place, although I’m sure the initial money flow was nice. Those are the same players who flock to every game on release day, rip it to shreds, and laugh when it dies a year later. They were the reason that the game looked so grim a year ago today.

    Let’s not forget that there were problems with the game. Patch after patch of huge lists of fixes were Mythic’s answer to this. Some things went unfixed, let’s be real about it. They were. It was frustrating, but what people need to take away from the launch of WAR is that every MMORPG that you play from launch is going to be as bad or worse than WAR. I’d be happy with saying that most games are worse at launch.

    Server after server was shut down around a year ago. Our population obviously dropped by quite a bit. This does not mean that WAR, in the end, was not going to end up a success. It means that the kids that came over from WoW and whatnot weren’t meant to be here. We don’t really want them either.

    That’s the thing. WAR is 100% a community driven game. Driven on our money, yes, but that’s not what I mean. It relies on us to have the fire inside of us that causes fights to break out in ORvR. It relies on us to spread word about how far the game has come since launch, for more people to come. We’re not going to get commercials with Ozzy in them unless Ozzy wants to buy a commercial to promote the game.


    WAR today is a great experience.

    You cannot get in-game and point a finger at the screen, running around going “there’s a bug”… “there’s another bug”… “there’s three more”. You cannot do it. I promise you this.

    We have 4 servers. Every one of them is really balanced and packed full of players. The servers are incredibly stable, I haven’t been in a zone crash in at least 6 months. We have great communities, which usually are in the form of Alliances. Realm balance is incredible… not finished being balanced, but incredible.

    We have PvE dungeons that are very long and take many runs to get the items you need. They’re really well scripted for the most part, and they’re some of the more difficult PvE I’ve ever come across in a MMORPG.

    Finally, players are returning who quit in the early months and are very happy with the progress that the game has made. They’re staying… with a game that they swore sucked.

    I could go on and on, but I won’t for the sake of my post being too long already.




    All of that being said, let’s not forget the men and women from the Mythic team whose jobs fell in the line of battle while the game was improving, and becoming the success that it is today. A lot of them lost their jobs because of greed, like when EA bought Playfish right after letting go of a large portion of Mythic’s force. Many of them lost their jobs because of the initial sales vs. the amount of players that stuck.

    No matter how much more successful the game becomes in the future, we cannot forget and stop honoring those people.

    • Marcus 03:01 on June 10, 2010 Permalink | Reply

      Bravo. WAR isn’t a game for everyone, but for some people, like myself, its clearly the best game out there with very little to compare it to. Mythic may not always make the right decisions, but they are developers of action, they may not always succeed, but they are constantly trying to build and improve their game, and that is a good feeling.

    • Gett 03:20 on June 10, 2010 Permalink | Reply

      Couldn’t say it any better.

    • Valarus 13:30 on June 10, 2010 Permalink | Reply

      I agre 100%. I was playing Warcraft for 5 years, and in the day I saw WARHAMMER I stopped playing Warcraft immediately. Warhammer is the best game for me from months. I enjoy spending great time with great community. And player versus player in Warhammer is the best.

    • Blaq 15:29 on June 10, 2010 Permalink | Reply

      I knew there was a reason why I was reading your blog.

      An excellent post containing a lot of ideas that I completely agree with. I just need to quote this because I think it’s WAR’s essence and a thing many players have forgotten: “RvR is player driven. You. Are. Content. ”

      What happened to fighting for the sake of fighting? Why do we need and a reward other than fun for every minute we spend in game? Or a carrot to make us move our asses in a virtual world! Why does fun equal gear and levels for so many players?

      Atleast 50% of WAR’s problems could be avoided if we just returned to the old way of thinking and return to being satisfied just by having fun while playing. Ultimately I blame WoW for this mindset shift. I like your jabs at WoW.

      Jumping ship is unfortunately how a large part of the MMO population plays today. Every 2 months a different game until WoW releases an expansion so they are hooked for 4 months instead. They are not the people that build communities and that an MMO is built on. As you said, we don’t need them, but they are welcome to pass by.

      I have to say tho, that restructuring Mythic was obviously a good idea. I’m not sure if the game would have broken out of that stagnation period when it was horribly bleeding subs and managed such a great patch. Something must have been done right. Was it putting Carrie Gouskos in charge? I don’t know, but I do know that I was losing faith in the old management. I’m not saying everyone that was fired deserved it.

      In any case, added you to my blogroll. I might write something as a follow up on your post sometime next week if you don’t mind. 🙂

    • Rank-n-Vile 16:29 on June 10, 2010 Permalink | Reply

      This is good.
      You are right as well. Once a person moves beyond the shell of the game, and actually PLAYS the game…everything changes. I want to log in every day and play…and it has been a long time since any game has done that (**looks at clock “Is work done yet? Gotta login”)

      I was a launch hater, and am now a seasoned lover.

    • DS 21:13 on June 10, 2010 Permalink | Reply

      I played DAoC back in the day, (also played WAR in beta) and although I loved the game, I couldn’t get into the PvP. In fact, I’ve never really even liked PvP. But WAR… hot damn. I love it. They’ve done an extraordinary job. If they can make someone like me love PvP, then they’ve succeeded. I actually do a lot of PvE as well in WAR (can’t break old habits I guess), and I gotta say it’s pretty well done also. I don’t get bored at all. I hate to mention WoW (because, honestly, other than the UI and some of the art design – which was taken from Warhammer to begin wit,h as we all know – I don’t see any similarities between the 2), but PvE is one thing they copied directly from Blizzard and it absolutely works. It’s the best of both worlds, IMO. Go WAR and thanks for the article. Was a great read!

    • Takatakatak 04:00 on June 15, 2010 Permalink | Reply

      Well written, just can’t believe the amout of time I spent killing npc for a drop, when you can kill people in the face..

    • Mark 22:45 on June 15, 2010 Permalink | Reply

      “Look at us six months out. Look at us six weeks out. If we’re not adding servers, we’re not doing well”

      P.S. I am a giant asshole.

      • skuzfoz 22:54 on June 15, 2010 Permalink | Reply

        Mark Jacobs was a great part of the team, but his expectations for WAR were completely unrealistic. He blogged about how much of a niche market that online games were, and Mythic’s past is a big tip towards that. It was completely unrealistic to believe that WAR would not turn very niche also.

    • Saga 07:10 on June 16, 2010 Permalink | Reply

      you are a sad little being, WAR is a textbook example of catastrophe in the gaming industry, well over $100m dollars for 4 servers…btw, I CAN point at the screen and still constantly name gamebreaking bugs, the class balance seems ripped straight from an horror movie,.

      A game that lost 90% of its playerbase within the first year, a large chunk of the remaining 10% doesnt bother playing past the free trial T1, saw its CEO getting fired, let go over 75% of its staff (and not just support guys, but over 1 hundred programmers), is left out of every quarter earnings since may last year in what I suppose is pure embarrasement…is successful?

      ok, i guess we all should believe a well known brown noser blogger…not.

      WAR is living on borrowed time, we both know…just one of us is willing to admit it

    • Jason 01:56 on June 17, 2010 Permalink | Reply

      how about the statistic that the game went from 50 servers to 4. Yea, 8% of your original servers 2 years later is awesomely successful.

      Or how about the patch once every two months, that breaks more(by a large margin) than it fixes.

      How about losing your ceo, and your entire team no longer even attempts to connect to the community out of embarrassment. (anyone heard from hickman or paul lately?)

      How about going from 1 million(and more, but that was the reported number back in the day) box copies sold, to 4 servers, that aren’t even max capacity.

      Yea, this game is wildly successful, oh wait…no it’s not. If you think this is successful, DAoC, UO, EQ, EQ2 are all gods compared to this game. At least none of them are the laughing stock of an entire online community.

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